Without an online presence, you probably won’t exist for long out in the real world. These days, customers rarely know companies unless Google knows them, too, so your website is a necessity. If you’re wondering how to plan a website, you probably feel more intimidated than you...
Creating a Blog in Five Simple Steps
Blogging has become a critical way to reach new clients and introduce buyers to the first point in your marketing funnel, but with Google algorithms changing on a monthly basis, it can be challenging to figure out how to gain search engine rank. The corporate world uses blogging...
You have been given the daunting task of redesigning the company website in order to attract more leads and potential clients. Where do you start? There are so many different opinions online but you only have so much time. Let’s take a look at a few website ideas to get you on...
Google Panda, Penguin, and now Hummingbird… what’s with all the critters? Google uses code-names for each version of it’s search algorithm. Hummingbird is the newest flavor, and it represents the most significant rebuild to it’s search algorithm in a very long time. It’s all...